Website and Email Hosting

Website and Email Hosting


We offer a range of fully managed web hosting, domain management and email solutions. Tech Doctor is able to assist with all of the technical elements involved with your hosting and will happily liaise with any third parties to assist with getting websites up and running, backed up, updated, etc.

We are experts in this space and pride ourselves on exceptional service levels and technical expertise. Many of our web hosting clients have been with us for over 15 years now. We boast a wide array of customers too, from personal websites, to listed corporate entities both locally and abroad. Our hosting solutions are as varied as our customers and range from cost-effective international hosting, locally hosted solutions and all the way through to custom built dedicated/VPS based solutions for websites that require CDNs and heavy duty resources and monitoring.

We offer all of the additional value adds that you might require too, including DNS hosting and management, automated backups and snapshotting, SSL certificates, etc. Tech Doctor also offers domain registration, renewals and management and will gladly support even the most obscure TLDs.

Traditional web hosting has been commoditised in a race to the bottom on pricing and while this has been incredibly beneficial to the consumer and the industry as a whole, it often leaves the less technically inclined customers a little alienated; where support is poor and offered on a very arm’s length basis that assumes a significant degree of technical knowledge.

Tech Doctor’s solutions are built to take this pain and friction out of the experience, with no assumed level of technical knowledge and no finger pointing. We take on your project and deliver the technical side of things. This frees you and your web designer or developer to focus on the fun bits without having to worry about any of the technical aspects involved.

Our goal is to provide exceptionally reliable and dependable solutions in a very user-friendly way. We aim to take all of the pain and complexity out of web hosting and domain management.


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